Poly Natural Marine 625x423 Mussle Farm

Protecting our taonga

The sea has sustained the iwi of New Zealand for generations, providing abundant sources of food and connection.

PolyNatural® Aqua is a new, bio-based material that is designed to fully biodegrade in both soil and compost environments, as well as marine and freshwater environments, making it ideal for use in fishing and aquaculture industries as well as horticulture or viticulture located near waterways.

Currently under development, PolyNatural® Aqua will open the door for a wide range of useful products across industries, all while creating a positive impact on our environment.

Project Kōura

Project Kōura is a mahi tahi (collaboration) involving leading organisations from New Zealand and around the world. We are developing a long term solution to reduce the amount of ADLFG (abandoned lost fishing gear)

If you are interested in joining our mahi tahi please get in contact with us.

Want to know more about the science behind PolyNatural®?